IStReS – Iberian Studies Reference Site
Leitung: Esther Gimeno Ugalde (Univ. Wien) und Santiago Pérez Isasi (Universidade de Lisboa)
Programmschiene/ Geldgeber: Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (Univ. Lisboa, Portugal, seit 2016), weiters Professur Kultureller und Sozialer Wandel (TU Chemnitz, Deutschland, 2018-2020), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal, 2016-2020), Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences (Boston College, USA, 2016-2018)
Laufzeit: seit 2016
IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site) aims at offering different tools of reference to scholars working in the field of Iberian Studies:
A database that collects and systematizes a comprehensive, relational bibliography of over 2,000 publications produced in the last two decades in multiple languages —including every Iberian language— that deal with the polycentric relationships between the different cultures and literatures of the Peninsula throughout history;
A Who's who section, destined to highlight the most relevant scholars and their contribution to the field;
A News section that provides updated information related to the field of Iberian Studies such as conferences, symposia, calls for papers, recent publications, etc.
Weitere Informationen: (direkter Link zur Datenbank)
IStReS – Iberian Studies Reference Site

IStReS – Iberian Studies Reference Site